How Vision Impacts Student Learning

80% of Learning is Visual
Visual ability in students is often taken for granted because the student does not complain. It turns out, in many cases they don’t realize that it’s a problem, and due to the subtle nature, parents often aren’t aware their child is having issues either. As a result, it’s very useful for teachers and nurses to be aware of the warning signs of visual issues. Addressing these issues will unlock a much brighter future for students.
In some cases, students may be labelled as having behavioral problems or as lacking intelligence solely because they struggle with visual problems.
Our goal, to educate on the warning signs - so that students get the help they need and deserve.
Warning Signs of Vision Problems
- Child becomes easily distracted
- Avoids near tasks
- Has emotional outbursts
- Poor self image
- Shows aggressive behavior
- Low comprehension
- Poor concentration
- Fails to complete assignments
- Frustrated with school
- Exaggerated head movements
- Loses place and skips lines
- Very close reading distance
- Has no voice inflection when reading
- Rapidly fatigues when reading
Meeting Financial Needs
For some students, there might be financial issues that are preventing vision examinations. If you are facing such a situation, you’re not alone. There are resources available to assist!
NFCV has held School and Community Clinics to serve large groups of students by providing free exams and glasses. These events are an excellent way to remove the barriers for families and students in getting vision care. They also allow NFCV to collect data that can support future projects to further serve Nebraska’s children.
However, a larger scale event is not always practical or feasible, and it’s easier to help children on a case-by-case basis. One avenue is to contact local optometrists, who often work with charitable groups like the Essilor Vision Foundation to provide free glasses. Or if you prefer you can contact us and we can connect you with resources that might be available in your area.